This week, I was lucky enough to touch base with the Easter Bunny as he bounced by on what is undoubtedly his busiest week of the year. I took the hopportunity to ask the long-eared, cotton-tailed chocolatier about his top CV tips. It’s always insightful to hear from someone at the pinnacle of their career, and the chief eggxecutive of Easter didn’t disappoint. In this eggxclusive interview, I am proud to report the Easter Bunny’s top tips for an eggxtraordinary CV.
#1 Eggxercise restraint when outlining your career history
“You may well have been delivering Easter eggs since the year dot, but no one wants to hear what you were doing five centuries ago. Hop straight to what’s relevant, and outline how you are using your skills and insight, built up over centuries, to make a difference today.”
#2 Be eggxact about your achievements
“I always tell the younger generation of leporids to give specific eggxamples of how they can and do deliver. If you are involved in confectionary manufacture and distribution, for example, I’d advise you to get specific about the volume you are dealing with, and the impact of your work. Quantify wherever possible, using numbers, percentages, and monetary value.
My CV eggxplains that I lead my team to produce and deliver a whopping 80 million chocolate eggs each year across the globe, much better than just saying I deliver eggs, I’m sure you’ll agree.”
#3 Eggxlude irrelevant information
“Even at my career stage, there are parts of my job that are plain boring. They really don’t deserve a place on my CV. When writing your CV, eggxtrapolate the results and achievements that sing, and ditch those that don’t.”
#4 Eggxhibit specific projects
“Projects are a great way to convey your impact and influence through specific scenarios, whilst showcasing transferable skills. On my CV, I talk about how I lobbied UK food magazines (print and online) to position lamb as the meat of choice for Easter Sunday, NOT rabbit.
Another project I am proud to put my name to is my company’s successful legal action against a lingerie retailer for inappropriate use of rabbit branding.”
#5 Show eggxpertise in your field
“If you are an eggxpert in your field, show it. If you are a statesman with learning to share, then position yourself as such. A good way to do this is by indicating how you lead and mentor junior reports. My CV outlines how I have coached and developed junior talent, including the likes of Bugs Bunny, Roger and Jessica Rabbit, Alice’s White Rabbit, Peter Rabbit, Flopsy, Mopsy, and Cottontail.”
#6 Eggxpress yourself in the right way
“I have to say, I get sick to my two front teeth of being portrayed as a cute and fluffy bunny. So, it’s important to me that my CV shows the real me, as I want to be seen. I’d recommend thinking carefully about the language on your CV, as the words you choose will inform the reader’s impression of you. Power verbs (e.g. eggxcelled, eggxceeded, eggxecuted) are a great way to communicate your offering with impact.”
#7 Eggxplain career gaps concisely
“When eggxplaining career gaps on your CV, less is definitely more. You don’t need to give an eggxtended eggxplanation, truthful brevity is key. Over my centuries of career history, there have been a few breaks, but I wouldn’t want a potential employer to know I spent my time carrot crunching and breeding, whilst bemoaning my lack of employment. It’s enough to say that between mon. YEAR and mon. YEAR I enjoyed a rewarding career break, pursuing personal interests.”
#8 Give the recruiter something eggxtra
“Don’t be boring. Make your CV shine by eggxplaining your interesting eggxtracurricular activities. For me, I’d mention my performance in annual egg rolling competitions and love of hip hop and Chas ‘n’ Dave – that ‘Rabbit’, what a tune!
On the other hand, I understand that not everyone can be as fascinating as me. If you are actually boring, don’t draw attention to it by listing reading and cinema as your hobbies, even if your top book is Beatrix Potter’s Tale of Peter Rabbit and your fave film is Watership Down.”
So, there you have it, the Easter Bunny’s eight top tips for an eggxtraordinary CV. His final challenge to you?
“Don’t wait. Get cracking and write an eggxcellent CV that really hits the recruiter’s sweet spot. If you’re stuck for inspiration, check out my own CV, as written by Giraffe CVs.”