I’m guessing you’ve come to this site because you are thinking about next steps in your career and know that a CV is a tool you need to make your next move.
But what if you don’t know what that next move is?
What if you have questions about what might suit you or what is available?
What if you are struggling to come up with ideas and options?
Or if you are overwhelmed by your choices and have no idea how to decide?
What if you’ve narrowed it down to a couple of ideas, but remain undecided between them?
What if you have an end goal in mind, but no roadmap to get there? Maybe the steps you need to take from here to there seem elusive.
What if you know where you are heading, understand the steps you need to take, but need help understanding how to find and access opportunities?
What if you lack confidence to move forward?
What if you need more than a CV in your toolbox 🧰 to get the job done?
If you are nodding your head, if any of these questions resonate, then you may benefit from a personal career guidance meeting.
Tailored to you and your specific needs, a personal career guidance meeting can help you:
• Unlock, explore, and review your career ideas
• Identify career goals that align with your skills, qualities, interests, and values
• Uncover any limiting assumptions that may be impacting your career choices
• Evaluate any skills gaps and make realistic plans to deal with them
• Identify and address your career information needs
• Find and access relevant sources of labour market information (LMI)
• Make confident, well-informed and realistic career decisions
Alongside my work as a CV writer, I am also a qualified and registered career guidance practitioner, offering high-quality personal career guidance to my clients.
Find out more about personal career guidance and book a session via my other website: https://sunrisecareerguidance.co.uk/sunrise-career-guidance-for-you/ or contact me at lis@sunrisecareerguidance.co.uk to make an enquiry.